The Police sang a song about a message in a bottle. Nicholas Sparks wrote a novel by the same name.
Did you see this story about the snorkelers in Australia? Their boat broke anchor and floated away. They were stranded and wrote SOS in the sand on a sandbar and waited hoped to be rescued. They were.
Sometimes my life feels like I need to send out an SOS. Or put a message in a bottle and toss it in the sea. Things seem almost hopeless.
The voices in my head tell me I am not good enough to __________________.
The voices in my head tell me I will never be ______________________.
The voices in my head tell me I am no good at _________________, so why try anyway.
You can fill in the blank with any number of things the voices say! If I am not careful, then these voices consume me. They will dictate my every move. If I let them.
But I am on a journey to fight back against the voices.
To tell the voices that I AM good enough. That I will be. And that I am good at!
You see, the voices are not my measuring stick. HE is and because of Him, I am OK.
I am pre-approved. I AM good enough. I will be. And I am good at some things!
Last October, I sat in a hotel room with about 10 other women at Allume talking about all kinds of things. Jennifer Dukes Lee was in that room and because this was a blogging conference, the conversation turned to writing and books. Jennifer shared about her book that was due out in April. And she shared what it was about. That we are pre-approved. Created in the image of God and we did not need the world’s approval to be something or someone. We already are.
Yet, as humans we seem to let the voices in our heads and society tell us we need to do more, be more, act this way, say that thing…you know what I mean!
I pre-ordered the book right then and there. Sitting in that hotel room using the Amazon app on my phone. It was the first time I’d ever done that!
I am so very glad I did. The book spoke straight to my heart. Funny thing is, it did not tell me anything I didn’t already know, deep in my heart and soul. It just reminded me of things that I had allowed to be buried. Way down inside. Pushed down and covered over with the top soil of humanity and the world.
The book released in April and while I had the privilege of being part of the launch team, with my Dad’s passing, it wasn’t able to participate much. There were many blog posts during the official launch and I am way behind. But I wanted to share about this book, just in case you haven’t heard about it.
This book is like a message in a bottle…helping to rescue us
from ourselves and the voices in our head!
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Mary, It means a lot that you would share about my book. There was never any expectation, and we were just glad we could be in prayer and community with you — as much as one is able to do so virtually.
I am glad that the message blessed you and your preapproved heart.
Thank you again.
I have to remind myself of this all the time: "You see, the voices are not my measuring stick. HE is and because of Him, I am OK." It's so easy for me to see what I'm missing instead of all that he provides and all that he IS. He is enough to make me enough. Thanks, Mary. Always a blessing to read your words.
Oh friend, the voices scream so loud at me sometimes it's overpowering, and I forget for a moment who I really am. So thankful you are finding your worth in Him. I have Jennifer's book. Was supposed to participated in a FB group, but with my topsy turvy life, I haven't' been able to read it just yet. I pray that day will come soon. I need lots of reminding that I am pre approved!
That book is something I need to read. I could have written this post myself. I'm glad the book was such a help to you. One of my favorite songs is "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns. Do you know it? It's been my anthem on many occasions. Great post, Mary.
Hi Mary! I was fortunate enough to win a copy of this book on a blogsite. Can't wait to read it! What a needed message in the world. And that includes my world too.