I saw her as I was walking down the beach.  She sat all alone in the surf.  I’m sure mom was close by, keeping an eye on her child. 

But you could look at this picture and think the child was truly all alone.

That there was no one around.

In truth, the beach was full of people, I was actually surprised I could zoom in and get just the girl.

Sometimes, I feel like this little girl looks.  I feel all alone in the big, wide ocean of internet bloggers.
I am not sure I should be here.  I am not sure that this is my area of the beach.
On Friday, I wrote a 5 Minute Friday post on the prompt BELONG.
I wrote how our children don’t really belong to us, they are only ours for a while.
I continued to think on the concept of BELONGING because I am beginning to wonder if I really and truly belong in this blogging world.
I typed the previous words last night (Sunday) in preparation for completing the post and publishing it this morning.
Then, I read this by my sweet friend, Diane.  Each of us has a story to tell.  Diane says that even though our stories may be similar, our perspectives, our hurts, our views are unique.  She says it like this, “You are not one of many.  Your story, though it may be similar to
others, has your unique spin, your unique emphasis.  The time, place,
and people who share your life are different than any other and needs to
be shared to encourage another person walking down a similar path.”
These days, my mind is foggy.  I don’t feel I have the writing mojo that I have had in the past.  And I wonder what I am supposed to do with this space.
Sometimes it feels like I am drifting sand, being blown about as the wind desires.

I don’t know if I truly belong online or not, but after reading Diane’s post…well, I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Lord, I believe each of us DOES have a story to tell.  
Please help me determine what part of my story you 

want me to share.  Help me determine the parts that 

will bring you glory and honor.  Because, really Lord, 

that is all I ever wanted out of this space and out of my life.
One more thing, read this by Michelle DeRusha. She tells you why you need to 
leave your electronics at home when you go on vacation.  I LOVED it!!
Do you feel like you don’t belong? 
If you blog, do you ever get the feeling I tried to 
describe here?  If so, how did you deal with it?

Linking with Laura and Kelli.

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