There is this great encourager in the blogosphere named Lisa-Jo Baker.  On Fridays she writes, unedited for 5 minutes and invites others to join her in the quest to write without fear of anything…just write.  Most weeks I play along.

If you have never participated, give it a try.  The rules are simple.  Check them out and get the button code here.

Five Minute Friday
The word for today is: LOOK

Did you ever meet someone that looked right through you?
Deep into your soul, not just LOOKED at you, but LOOKED at you?
It is kind of scary, for me anyway.  But it is the people that REALLY look at me from whom I learn the most.  Because they care.
Because they want to know me.
Because they are more concerned with what is inside of me…who I am rather than what I am wearing or the handbag I am carrying.

They want to know me!  And my heart.
I want to be that kind of person.  The person that looks deep inside and makes someone feel warm and welcomed into the circle.
To do that, I have to open myself up, let others come in…be less judgmental, be more open minded.
I work in a liberal, very liberal, work environment.  It is a place where there are a lot of people that are different from me…different values, different lifestyles…everything is different.  But we are ALL God’s children…all created by him.
I want to see others that are not like me, like God sees them.  Not like I see them.
I want to really LOOK at them.  Not judge them by their outward appearance or lifestyle.
But the Lord said to Samuel, 
“Do not consider his appearance or his height, 
for I have rejected him. 
The Lord does not look at the things people look at. 
People look at the outward appearance, 
but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7

Read more 5 minute Friday posts on LOOK here.


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