If you’ve been around here very long, then you have heard me mention Allume, formerly known as Relevant.  The wonderful conference that Sarah Mae and Jessica host in October.  I had the privilege of attending this conference last fall and some wonderful things have grown out of it.

Today, I am linking today with other bloggers over here…check it out.

We are sharing our best post of the month and I am linking this one.  Seriously, is isn’t just the cookies!

What is your best post of the month?  Please link to it in the comments and I will be sure to visit!

Also, Sarah Mae…the same Sarah Mae as above is rebooting her best-selling e-book 31 Days to Clean.  It is going to be traditionally published by Tyndale and I am joining her in her 31 Days to Clean challenge.  Read about it here.  I may not make it all 31 days, but anything I do will be better than nothing!!

And…have you met Courtney at Women Living Well?  I am also joining her today.

What are you doing today? 


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