breaking of bread and to prayer.
I love setting a table…
And those bags in the chairs with the tissue paper…those are gift bags for the ladies. The bags included Bath & Body shower gel & lotion, a tea light candle and a pair of fuzzy, soft slipper socks.
John & I choose several foods and pair them with wines. This year we served Toasted Parmesan Rounds with a Chardonnay, French Onion Soup with a Merlot, Rigatoni Bolognese with a Chianti and a first for us…White Chocolate Creme Brulee with a dessert wine. It was amazing that the sweet dessert wine is just that sweet…so sweet that I cannot taste the fruit – UNTIL – you take a bite of a sweet dessert, then sip the wine and viola…you can taste the fruit in the wine. You can see pictures of the food here. Kathleen took pictures and I am glad, because once the party got started, I got side-tracked with serving, etc. and I forgot to take pictures.
We are really blessed to have these people in our lives. After I returned from my trip back to my former home I realized that what I really missed wasn’t “home” it was “girl time.” Time spent with women…much has been written about the need for community and especially how WOMEN need the community of other women. I have no time in my life that I spend with “just the girls.” Once I realized that is what was missing, I e-mailed the women in this prayer group, explaining what I needed and guess what?!? That all responded favorably and we scheduled a night to get together.
Lord, I am so very thankful for this group of people. I am thankful for the opportunity to have a gathering and have sweet fellowship with this group. Thank you for the gift of your son and the unity that I feel with this group because of the sacrifice on the cross.
I hope you have wonderful friends in your life and that the Lord has blessed you with an abundance of his grace…

Saturday was such a special night! You are the perfect host, and an even better friend. Looking forward to "girl time" too. Oh, and I ate Bill's cookie 🙂
Hi Mary,
What a labor of love..You can tell you put so much effort and thought into this special time together with your prayer group adults..I know they really appreciated all your work and making it such a special time for them…
I know what you mean about special girlfriend time. Sometimes it seems so hard to work it in but I find if I don't i can get really cranky…It seems God has blessed you with a very special group of gal friends….He is always looking after our every need…
Hugs and blessings,
Wow! I hopped over to look at the food and it looked amazing–
The picture of you and John is so cute–
Wish I was there to do "girl night" with you.
Love you dear friend,
I love anight of good friends and good food. So happy for you, Mary, that you have this group. And your dinner looks so delicious.
How fun and I would have never thought to make a 'name card' out of an edible cookie. great dessert idea.
The cookie place card was an idea I saw at a wedding reception about 10 years ago. I thought it was so cool!!
Sounds like a great night, Mary! I read about it over at Kathleen's site too and couldn't help but think how blessed you all were to have this group.
You know what's funny (or maybe not so funny) is that it's hard to get people to pray together like this up here in NH. I've never quite understood why. It really is a tremendous blessing to have a prayer group like yours and I'm glad you all enjoy one another's company so much.
Hmmm…maybe I need to move? Lol! Oh, right, I just did! God bless!
And Kathleen's a little sneak, isn't she? While everyone thought she was taking pictures she was sneaking cookies 😉 At least you'll be on to her tricks next year…lol.
Oh my word! I want to be at that party! A cookie with my name on it?? A goodie bag??? Food that sounds amazing??? YES PLEASE!! I'll take 1 of everything!
Now you've inspired me… A girls night must happen in my near future.
PS. We met at Relevant (can I still call it that???) and I'm only NOW going through my collection of business cards.