Girl Meets Change…a book review

  “But this I know: one of the key times  God is closest is during and after change.”  Kristen Strong Page 32 Girl Meets Change The idea that change could be a good thing is a strange concept to me. Oh, I know it is part of my story. That it is a very...

The new thing….

Change. It happens everyday. Sometimes big changes. Sometimes little changes. But changes happens.  Kristen Strong was quoted on the in(Courage) perpetual calendar on August 17th. “The old thing may be familiar,  but the new thing may be...

Change? God pays attention!

As I type this I am in an airport waiting several hours for my next flight. Thankfully, I have access to an airline lounge with food, drink and clean and quiet bathrooms. I can actually leave my bag and walk around without fear of it being taken.  Strange and...


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