It wasn’t working…

The remote control to the satellite receiver, that is.  Properly I mean.  Sometimes you would have to walk across the room and get within 6 inches of the receiver for the channels to change.  SO FRUSTRATING!   I know…#firstworldproblems....

I’ve prayed and prayed…

for several years that a particular thorn would be removed.  But the Lord has not seen fit to remove it.  No matter what I do, it WILL NOT go away. It is still there.  Big.  Ugly.   Right. In. My. Face. But he said to me,  “My...

The stuff and the side mirror…

A few weeks ago I got a new car.  It’s an SUV.  My car before this one was a CAR.   It was a nice car.  I liked it.   But…circumstances changed and we needed an SUV and my car got the boot. Now, I like my NEW car.  But there...

Happy Birthday to me…

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”II Corinthians 12:9 Two years ago today, I posted my first post on this blog. I posted about grace.  I used this photo. In the two years since that post I have added a...

It’s happening…

again. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 It’s happening again…that feeling I get when another year has passed and some of things that I wanted to change this year did not...


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